Category Archives: Mexican Holidays

Buen Fin Mattress Shopping

New twin mattress setup!

Because Cocoa was sick all over the twin mattress and I couldn’t get it clean enough, I decided that we needed new mattresses all around. Off to the mall we went to check prices. Only, I hadn’t realized the Buen Fin (sort of like the Mexican version of Black Friday) started on November 9 this year because of the pandemic. 

I’m not sure what the rationale was for the extended shopping period, fewer people out at the same time? It didn’t seem like it was effective. Moroleon has also instituted a “night” shopping session for the calle de la ropa (clothing street) as part of the COVID-19 restrictions and again, I’m not sure how that is helpful. Does the virus not come out at night? Anyway, because I didn’t realize Buen Fin had already started, I was surprised to see the mall mobbed with people. 

We went to Dormimundo (Sleep World) first since it’s obviously a mattress place. The sales lady and I had some trouble communicating, perhaps because of our masks or maybe because I had forgotten that a twin size bed is called an individual here not a twin. Anyway, the prices she quoted even with the Buen Fin discount scared my husband. I also asked about mattress covers, but again, they seemed extraordinarily expensive.

Our next stop was Famsa which is the process of declaring bankruptcy. Just like at Dormimundo, we were the only customers there. We just had to wade through the crowds to get from one end of the mall to the other. In short order, we had a full size (matrimonial) display model for my son purchased at a reasonable price. The employees wrapped it up and loaded it onto our truck. They did not have either twin or king size mattresses that were firm enough for our liking and wouldn’t be getting anymore in because of the bankruptcy. Phooey.

The next day, being a weekday, we ventured out to Coppel. Unfortunately, it was super crowded. However, they had a mattress that was perfect and in our price range. We waited around to make the purchase online, since they didn’t have it right there at the store. Disappointingly, that model was sold out in both twin and king. Meanwhile, my sister-in-law queued up to buy a backpack. It took 45 minutes for her to complete that purchase. 

The Coppel sales clerk asked for our phone number. He said there may be a new shipment later in the week. Well, he did call and told us that the model we were interested in wouldn’t be available, but he had other models we could look at. No thanks. 

We went out again to search for a mattress that Thursday. There’s a furniture store in town called PorVenir but it being Thursday, it was closed, because of an old town regulation. Thursdays and Sundays are only half days for businesses in Moroleon, Buen Fin extravaganza or not. 

Instead, we headed to Uriangato to a store called El Bodegón. We arrived just about the lunch hour, 3-4 pm and there were very few people there. Delightfully, they had mattresses! We were interested in the line of Viking beds. Thor, Odin or Loki were nice, firm mattresses. Sadly, they didn’t have them in stock. But the model Reflection was available for immediate pickup in both king and twin size and in our budget range. Yippee! We got a free pillow as our Buen Fin bonus. 

Next, we had to decide what to do with our old mattresses. We opted to keep the full size mattress that was on my son’s bed and make a new base for it from some scrap wood as a guest bed. The twin and king mattresses were beyond salvaging. Off to the recycling center they went. We received 50 pesos for each mattress and good riddance. 

So although it was stressful being out and about with all the people, we managed to avoid most of the crowds and get new beds. We shouldn’t have to replace these for another 15 years, so an investment well worth the time and effort it took. 

Mattress covers, new sheets, and comforters I ordered at Zulily. New pillows I picked up at la Bodega Aurelia on my weekly grocery shopping trip. Since quality sleep is a requirement for a healthy immune system, new bedding is my endeavor against getting COVID. Well, new bedding and a daily dose of Vitamin D, C, and Zinc as a precaution. It’s worrisome. Numbers in Mexico are skyrocketing. So stay home and stay safe everyone this holiday season!

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Filed under Economics, Mexican Holidays

Mother’s Day in Mexico in the Time of Coronavirus

mother's day

In Mexico, Mother’s Day is a big ta-doo. There are early morning serenades, flowers, family gatherings, and in the event that a mother has passed on, trips to the cemetery. Moroleon has specifically forbidden these activities this year. 

That doesn’t mean some families didn’t carry on as usual anyway, though it was more clandestine. It’s not like there is any real way the prohibition can be enforced. 

Take for example the fact that the churches have been closed in town. At least one group has moved their services out here to La Yacata. So every Saturday evening we hear some chanting, singing, and even some trumpet blowing from the house at the corner. I think it might be an Episcopalian group. We practice social distancing and reroute our dog walk during services, so I can’t be sure. 

Since parties are a no-go in town, again, family gatherings, including Mother’s Day celebrations,  were moved to La Yacata. The dogs didn’t get their afternoon walk on Sunday because of all the roving children and drunk adults. 

Which brings me to another matter. Moroleon has enacted La Ley Seca (the dry law) which is in force usually only right before an election. All sales of alcohol were prohibited in town beginning May 8 until May 30. Yet, people still found a way to get enough alcohol to get liquored up. 

There is a potential shortage of alcohol looming because the beer manufacturers were declared non-essential and closed in April. The very determined, however, will be able to get pulque which the old women still make in nearby La Barranca. 

no escencial

Moroleon followed the prohibition of alcohol sales and serenades with another one-two punch. All non-essential businesses must close, including the textile factories, on May 11, until the end of the month. Without the textiles, well, Moroleon is in big trouble financially. 

These prohibition and closure dates are based on the premise that the peak contagion for COVID-19 will happen between May 5 and 11. Yet, now, the date has been changed with the latest figures to May 20 although social distancing requirements are supposed to be lifted on May 17 in most of the country and on May 30 for the rest of the states. 

What this means is anyone’s guess. For now, the number of confirmed cases and deaths is still rising in Mexico. Medical personnel is the highest at-risk population. In fact, 42% of the patients in the state of Nayarit are hospital workers, which is worrisome. The actual death toll in the epicenter Mexico City may be much higher than reported. 

And yet, there are still conspiracy theorists even in Mexico. One hospital was stormed by about 300 people in an apparent “rescue” attempt believing the virus to be a government plot to kill people. Medical personnel is still being attacked and murdered as the supposed harbingers of death rather than essential workers. 

With all these shenanigans, Mother’s Day in our home was a quiet affair, no different from any other day. We’ll stay home and ride out the pandemic one day at a time, however long that takes.

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Filed under Cultural Challenges, Health, Mexican Holidays, Safety and Security

International Book Giving Day

Today is International Book Giving Day. Of course, the idea is to get books into the hands of children, but who says adults must be left out of the literary fun! 

So I’m giving away the ebook version of A Woman’s Survival Guide to Holidays in Mexico to anyone who wants it. You can just head to Amazon and pick it up! I’d be so grateful if you would leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads if you’ve already read the book. 

Take the time to enjoy a good book today!

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Filed under Mexican Holidays