Exploring Traditional Herbal Remedies in Mexico Volume 5: Botanical Treasures from Acuya to Zarzaparrilla

After nearly a year of research, writing, editing, and despairing, I’m delighted to announce that FINALLY Volume 5 in the series  Exploring Traditional Herbal Remedies in Mexico is available on Amazon. Isn’t the cover lovely?

I haven’t done any free book promotions for this series yet, so I thought I’d give it a whirl this book launch. For the next few days, you can get the ebook version for FREE. Whoop! Whoop!

Don’t think I’m ready to rest on my laurels (pun intended) just yet. I’m working on compiling a special hardcover edition that contains the plant studies from volumes 1-5. Look for that beauty coming soon. I don’t want to give a specific date as the rainy season and internet service may have something to say about my progress. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this most recent offering all about my herb passions. Here’s another link to go and grab your FREE copy while the offer is still good.

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Filed under Native fauna and flora, Natural Healing

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